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All Bela Vista Forestry enterprises strictly follow proper environmental and labor standards.

Our properties have endorsed legal reserves, our activities have environmental licensing, grants and waste-water treatment plants (WWTP).

Participation in social and environmental projects is part of the company’s routine, which develops works jointly with the communities where the projects are ran.

We believe our work with Australian cedar is highly significant, for it is one of the most endangered tree species on the planet, because of its injudicious exploitation throughout the colonization of Australia. Because of its features, the cedar wood penetrated the Brazilian market instead of typical species of the Atlantic Forest and Amazon rainforest, reducing the consumption pressure over the latter and consequently deforestation. Moreover, it is a very profitable activity and helps settle men in the countryside, which is important in a nation that already has more than 80% of its population concentrated in increasingly crowded urban centers.

Dear in Australian Cedar forest – Campo Belo / MG.
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