In addition to its own forests, Bela Vista Forestry has equity in the companies: Tropical Timber, MRF Agroforestry and Natureza Reforestation Inc. Through these businesses, we invest in reforestation in strategic areas of the state of Minas Gerais, being in charge of managing different projects that now total more than 7,000 hectares.
– Australian cedar
Bela Vista Forestry has been investing in planting this species since 2004. In the city of Campo Belo we have 70 hectares of plants to show at different stages of development.
After launching the new genetic material, with technological security and high productivity, we started the largest project of its kind in Brazil, through participation of our company: Natureza Reforestation Inc.
The project includes 1,500 hectares of plantations in its first phase, and 4,500 hectares in the second stage.