Bela Vista Forestry has been commercializing Australian cedar wood since July 2013. The domestic market is our target. To date, we have very few areas that are ready for harvesting, and one needs a large volume of wood to make exports viable.
Although well known throughout the world, in Brazil the Australian cedar wood is taking the place formerly occupied by the pink cedar (Cedrela fissilis) and the mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) woods, both native species. The latter is becoming increasingly scarce, commonly used for furniture making and finishing in construction (paneling, doors, windows, baseboards, etc.) as well as plating.
The solid wood market in which this product fits, handles about 28 million m3/year in Brazil. Within this, the main product is lumber, accounting for 25 million m3/year (data from STCP Consulting).
Of this market, 36% is supplied by conifer wood (pine) and the remainder by hardwoods, much of it native. An interesting fact is that this market is growing at a rate of 1% per year worldwide and 1.7% p.a. in Brazil, and within it, eucalyptus increases its stake at a higher rate of 20% per year, a result not due to the lumber quality, but rather by environmental pressures and high extraction costs of native legal timber (data from STCP Consulting).
Throughout these years of cultivation, harvesting the trees before they come to accepted cutting size, researchers and consultants challenged the acceptance of Australian cedar wood by the market. Today, such question is meaningless in practice. What we see are consumers avid for a wood type that, like ours, combines the following characteristics:
– Quality (beauty, dimensional stability, workability)
– Standard and guarantee supply
– Origin – sustainability